Current Endowed Chairs


G. Frank Elgin Cello Chair, established by Mildred Bumphrey to honor her cellist father.

Benjamin G. and Marie McGinnis Endowed Concertmaster Chair, honoring an Orchestra  Society co-founder.

Maryalice Seaholts Endowed Scholarship, honoring our former president’s 23 years of service.

Katharine Gerson DeBolt/Kent Camerata Scholarship, established by Emeritus Professor of Music and bassoonist David DeBolt to honor his wife and their chamber music group.

Helen Wescott Dix Memorial Scholarship for Strings, established by Janet and David Dix (and others) to honor his mother and a long-time orchestra patron.

Guest Conductors' Endowed Chair, established by past winners of the Conduct-the-Orchestra Auction

The Romeo & Theresa Pisegna Memorial Orchestra Scholarship, established by daughter Jeanna Pisegna, OS board member

Orchestra Society Endowed Chair, established as a general endowment by the Society

David and Janet Dix Endowed Chair, established by a conducting auction winner (David) and long-time OS board member (Janet) 

Frank and Janet Sessions Endowed Scholarship for Winds, established by long-time OS board member Janet Sessions.

Additional donations to any of these funds are always welcome and can be sent to OS treasurer Jeanna Pisegna, Treasurer, KSU Orchestra Society, 210 Overlook Drive, Kent, OH 44240.