2023-24 Season
The performance schedule for 2024-2025 is as follows:
Sunday September 29, 2024, Cartwright Hall 3:00 PM
Sunday December 8, 2024, Cartwright Hall 3:00 PM
Sunday March 2, 2025, with concerto competition winners, Cartwright Hall 3:00 PM
Saturday, April 5, 2025, EVENING WITH THE ORCHESTRA, Kent Student Center Ballroom, 5:30 PM. Tickets will be available beginning March 1, 2025. To purchase tickets see the form on the CONTACT US page or email Jean Druesedow <jdruesedow@kent.edu>.
Thursday, May 1, 2025, orchestra/choir concert, Cartwright Hall 7:30 PM
“It has been difficult for me to find a balance between travel, classes, social life, practice, etc. Because of your scholarship, I can breathe and focus on what’s important.”
“In all my years as a student, I haven’t ever had an experience with such great support as your scholarship provides.”
“I would not be able to attend Kent State University without your incredible gift….I will remember this generosity for the rest of my life.”